
Still Too Far

The view from here makes everything seem so clear
Looking out across endless shades of green meeting the horizon far and unseen
The distance is still too far, I can't see to where you are


Actively Waiting

I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.

My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

- Psalm 130:5-6

What does it mean to "wait" for God?

Could we liken it to the passive killing of time as we wait for a bus to arrive?
Or maybe it's the mind numbingly long 13 minutes required to cook my KD?

The watchmen didn't just passively kill time till dawn broke on the horizon, and I'm pretty sure their minds weren't numb from staying awake through the cold nights. They were alert and sharp, ready to handle anything that might disturb the peace of night. They longed for the morning, they were desparate to see those first rays of light. Dawn meant rest and relief, it meant they had made it through the night.

Cry out. Long for. Be desparate.

and Wait.

Be alert. Be ready.

Morning comes.

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