moving along now...

in motion...
The last 3 days have been a blur of activity. I am still coming to terms with the reality that in approximately 1 month, I'll be on the far side of the globe. YWAM in Perth Australia. Kind of intimidating for a guy who's never been off the continent. Currently my mood is that of nervous excitement. I can't even begin to comprehend the ways in which God will move, which is amazing but scary at the same time for me.
Being the type of person who likes to have everything under control, I am faced with a situation in which I have no control over. Its like sitting in a car. Beside the driver. You can point and scream at yellow lights, or stomp your foot on the non-existent brake pedal when someone cuts infront of you, but the fact of the matter is you're pretty much helpless. God's been teaching me (slowly) to just trust him.
Kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
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