

OK...so i dunno what happened to my last post...it seems to have dissapeared. So for those of you who missed out:

1. we've arrived in perth safely.
2. sarah's luggage arrived one day late.
3. perth is a beautiful city...only if its sunny.
4. DTS starts today!

So far, our DTS is around 65 people. I came to australia thinking I'd meet heaps of aussies, and pick up the accent :). Turns out there's only 2 australians doing DTS. There are heaps of ppl from the US & Europe though.

Suprisingly there are 2 girls from edmonton, one goes to The Canopy (esther if u read this, her name starts with an L) The other is from spruce grove, but she doesn't know the Hua's.

I've been meeting so many new people here, ontop of trying to remember the 65 names of the ppl in DTS, the base is around 200ish people, and its like a family. Its really neat just talking to people and hearing their backgrounds.

I'm really excited to see what God has in store for the next six months, and scared at the same time of what he can do. Its weird.

Anyways. I'm off to bed.

until next time,


At 10:37 PM, October 02, 2005, Blogger kpsebo said...

ehehe i hate getting bombarded with names cuz i dont remember any and i have to ask like for the next few days afterwards

At 10:51 AM, October 05, 2005, Blogger Sam said...

hey man..."heaps" is an aussie term... you're on your way getting down with the language...

At 10:09 PM, October 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 months and counting...


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