Finally! Some pictures!
Hi Hi again from the beautiful land down under.
Its been raining and cold for the last week, but finally its warming up and the sun is shining. I can't wait till summer actually hits, they say that the sun is so intense, that you can get sunburned within 15 minutes of being outside. CRAZY!
Anyways, i'll put in a lil pictographical timeline of what has happened up to this point. Its pretty hard to upload pics to the net, so picture selection is quite limited.
Here we go!

Sept 27-29 Flying to australia. 30 hours of travelling and about 23 hours actually in the air.

Here's 2 pics of the city of Perth. And yes, that is the downtown. Pretty small hey? The city itself is hugely spread out, but the downtown is pretty small, for a city of 1.4 million ppl.

Sarah and I have met heaps of new ppl, its funny how we can meet and develop really deep relationships with new ppl, but sometimes we don't even know things like their last name! But its great and the friends we are making are awesome!

This is a picture done by one of the staff (his name is nathan too!) Its kinda like the theme for the dts. If you can't see it in the picture it says "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts"

These are just some pics I took while we were walking around in the evening.
Thanks for reading, miss you guys all! Comment if you're bored!
NICE. Cool photos... ooh and about the webspace for your photos.... uhhh yeah i might knock over 2mod5 soon but i have 5 gigs for you on the band website. I'll email you the login and ssh info this week. Almost ready. (Yes, i'm giving you a shell. Time to nerd it up, BASH style). BAHA.
Hope God's teaching you lots.. Bummer no wintercon.
Scratch that, I can't see any of your photos :) I managed to see one, then yahoo fell over and choked. Go yahoo.
aite sweet, fixed the pics. It should work now! Yeah, God is teaching me lots, its quite stretching experience so far. Hehe, remember when we used to joke that we'd never have an IT/Helpdesk job after graduation drews? haha, i get to build comps now at ywam. Ah well, s'all good :)
Anyways, happy birthday drews!
Yeah just like I said i'd go to Toronto and avoid getting a job and you would go to Calgary and get a job... and look at it now :)
You should add neon lights and neon fans and pimp them up with glow in the dark fish stickers/black lights and stuff.... just because you can.
hey nate whats your hello password ;) email it to me so i can put it onto your blog
cool pics. :) just taking a study break... back to geometry... too much computer talk on here... so back to the basics... BEFORE computers... the tangent of blah blah blah... haha.. ok, back to geometry hw. praying for ya!
Wow ... nice pics dude. I especially like the one of you and Sarah sitting on the road in the tunnel. Mad Skillz! haha. Hey, I've been fooling around with new iTunes ... you should start a podcast. haha. I'd be your first subscriber. lol.
whoops, i didn't realize someone was complementing the pic with you and sarah. I was being sarcastic ... if you didn't knowtice. i need to work on my sarcasm. you need to work on your podcast.
ah dang it, it's compliment. sheesh. man i suck.
haha so you thought you had plenty of new comments, but it's really just me blog-spamming. take that!
hahah oh jack, u crack me up. Is married life that boring u have to result to blogspamming? haha. Well i'd like to podcast, how bout u send me an ipod?
Actually u don't really need a ipod to podcast. but whatever.
Back on's life?
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